Course Work

Here is some coursework that outlines my academic journey.

Native App Development

I have acquired expertise in developing applications for iOS, tvOS, and watchOS platforms, using the Swift programming language within the Xcode integrated development environment.

Web Development

I gained valuable experience in front-end web development. I successfully worked with WordPress, Bootstrap, HTML/CSS, and Javascript, acquiring practical skills that contribute to my proficiency in creating dynamic and responsive web interfaces.

New Media Design

I gained experience with UX design principles and worked with the following graphic design tools: Photoshop, Adobe Creative Cloud, Illustrator, Figma.

Web Programming

I have formed proficiency on both client-side and server-side techniques for creating dynamic, interactive, and database-driven web pages.

Software Engineering

I have acquired a comprehensive skill set that covers the entire software development lifecycle, from requirements definition to testing. My experience extends to in-depth system analysis and design, with a focus on crafting user interfaces. This expertise was applied in a term project, showcasing my ability to integrate the complete software life cycle effectively.

Computer Networks

I have built expertise in fundamental concepts of computer security, as well as the theory and contemporary practices of authentication, authorization, and privacy mechanisms in modern operating systems and networks. I have acquired a solid foundation in safeguarding digital environments.